More than Just the Marrying!

I wanna be your MC!

Ok so here’s a truth bomb. Being asked to be the MC at your friends wedding sucks. It means you can’t get lit with everyone else until your duties are squared away, and let’s be real - most people (even the funniest and most charming of mates) get really freaked out speaking in front of people. I, on the other hand, love it. Let me know if you want a quote for me to stick around and run the show for the night.


The Dry Run

I get it, weddings are scary. You don’t know where to stand, or how to hold your bouquet and how to not trip walking down the aisle. Don’t worry, I’m here for ya!! Buuuuuuut, that being said - I think rehearsals are a major waste of time. I will guide you every step of the way on the day, and you actually know how to walk pretty well already right? If you’re dying to have an onsite rehearsal before your ceremony, I can make it work (subject to my availability with other weddings).

Price: $250 for 1.5 hours, subject to availability and potentially a travel fee.


Wedding Certificate Calligraphy

I’ve got bloody lovely handwriting, and I’ve never met a certificate that didn’t agree. That being said - sometimes you just want something a little bit fancier for your marriage certificate, right? I am able to arrange for your certificate to be calligraphed (that’s a word right?) by Samuel Pauletto - one of the best in the biz. I don’t take a cut on it - the fee goes straight to him. Click here for an example of his lush AF work. Price: $50.

Wedding Planning and/or On the Day Coordinator

You won’t be shocked to hear that I bloody love weddings. I love the whole shebang, and I know a whole bunch of really great people in this industry (you know, the ones who won’t price gouge with the “Wedding Tax”). If y’all are finding yourselves too busy or too stressed to plan the day you’ve been dreaming of - let me know and I’ll swoop in to save the day. Let’s talk price when we figure out just how much or how little you need me to do.


Family Photo Wrangling

We’ve all been there. Photographer is crankily standing around waiting for the bridesmaid/groomsman/family slave to wrangle Aunt Patrice for the big family photo. It’s generally a shit show right? Wrong. That’s where I step in. I’ve already guided peeps through the ceremony, so they know I’m the baussss. You give me the list of family photos you want to capture, and I’ll do the rest.

Price: $250 for 1.5 hours and allllllll the cat herding.


Official Marriage Certificate

The commemorative marriage certificate I give you on your wedding day (while being an official document) can’t be used to legally prove your marriage. You will need to purchase your official marriage certificate through BDM to change your name and do all the other married people things. For a period of 2 months after your wedding, I can order this on your behalf. I pass on the cost from BDM without adding anything, cos I’m a legend like that. Price: $68.