Cat-Herding Help

Righto kiddos - the part of the day where I help your photographer capture all of the required family portraits is TORTURE for everyone involved, but trust me - what’s worse is hearing the moaning for years to come because someone important was in the loo when the photos were being done and missed out. Please be very detailed with this list, and ensure you think about all the combinations that you want. Please include names and titles (example, Cousin Karen).


  1. Couple with Person One’s parents

  2. Person One with their parents (individually and together)

  3. Couple with entire immediate family of Party One (sisters, brothers etc)

  4. Person One with their siblings (without parents)

  5. Couple with Person Two’s parents

  6. Person Two with their parents (individually and together)

  7. Couple with entire immediate family of Party Two (sisters, brothers etc)

  8. Person Two with their siblings (without parents)

  9. Couple with both sets of parents

  10. Couple with grandparents (both sides)

  11. Person One with their grandparents

  12. Person Two with their grandparents

(Do you see how painful this is yet?!)